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Get or set global options for c4a. Works similar as the base function options





Use character values to retrieve options. To set options, either use named arguments (where the names refer to the options), a list that consists of those options.


A list of options


defaultsDefault palettes per type
CBF_thParameters that label a palette as color blind friendly
CBVF_thParameters that label a palette as very color blind friendly
CBU_thParameters that label a palette as color blind unfriendly
CrangeFairMaximum chroma range for which a palette is considered harmonic
CrangeUnfairMinimum chroma range for which a palette is considered disharmonic
LrangeFairMaximum luminance range for which a palette is considered harmonic
LrangeUnfairMinimum luminance range for which a palette is considered disharmonic
CintenseChroma of colors that are considered intense
CpastelChroma of colors that are considered 'pastel'
HwidthDivRainbowA diverging palette is labeled as 'rainbow hue' if HwidthL or HwidthR are at least HwidthDivRainbow
HwidthDivSingleA diverging palette is labeled as 'single hue' if HwidthL and HwidthR are at most HwidthDivSingle
HwidthSeqRainbowA sequential palette is labeled as 'rainbow hue' if Hwidth is at least HwidthSeqRainbow
HwidthSeqSingleA sequential palette is labeled as 'single hue' if Hwidth is at most HwidthSeqSingle
naming_funFunction that returns a distance matrix with the naming_colors (see examples)
naming_fun_argsList of arguments for naming_fun
naming_colorsVector of prototype colors for the color names (see examples)
naming_softmaxList of parameters for the softmax function applied to the distance matrix


# Example how to lower the color-blind friendly threshold
# for categorical palettes (so more smileys in the GUI!)
# CBF_th: one smiley
# CBVF_th: two smileys

# current table
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
c4a_table(n = 9, sort = "cbfriendly")

opts = c4a_options("CBF_th", "CBVF_th")
opts$CBF_th$cat["min_dist"] = 7
opts$CBVF_th$cat["min_dist"] = 10

old = c4a_options(opts)

# more smileys :-) :-)
c4a_table(n = 9, sort = "cbfriendly")

# set the old settings back
} # }

# Example how to use own nameability function
# This function should:
# - have an argument "pal" (vector of colors)
# - optionally have other arguments
# - return a distance matrix of n rows (length of pal) and k columns (classes).
#   It shoud have columns names that correspond to the naming colors (see below).
naming_RGB = function(pal) {
  cols = colorspace::hex2RGB(pal)
  coords = cols@coords

  cls = apply(coords, MARGIN = 1, which.max)
  mx = apply(coords, MARGIN = 1, max)
  dominance = ((mx + 0.001) / (rowSums(coords) + 0.001))
  cls[dominance < 0.4] = 4L

  m = matrix(0, nrow = length(pal), ncol = 4,
        dimnames = list(NULL, c("Red", "Green", "Blue", "Other")))
  for (i in 1:nrow(m)) {
    m[i, cls[i]] = 1


# testing this function...
naming_RGB(c4a("brewer.set1")) #fair enough
#>       Red Green Blue Other
#>  [1,]  -1     0    0     0
#>  [2,]   0     0   -1     0
#>  [3,]   0    -1    0     0
#>  [4,]   0     0   -1     0
#>  [5,]  -1     0    0     0
#>  [6,]  -1     0    0     0
#>  [7,]  -1     0    0     0
#>  [8,]  -1     0    0     0
#>  [9,]   0     0    0    -1

# This vector should contain the 'prototype' colors, and have names that correspond
# to the column names of the returned matrices by the function above.
names_RGB =
    c("Red" = "#FF0000",
      "Green" = "#00FF00",
      "Blue" = "#0000FF",
      "Other" = "#AAAAAA")

# Set the options (may take a while because if calculated the nameability scores)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
c4a_options(naming_fun = naming_RGB,
      naming_fun_args = list(),
      naming_colors = names_RGB)
} # }